Meditation & Yoga
Transform your Story
40 day(Sadhana)Meditation Journey
This 40 days practice will all be done in the comfort of your cozy homes through a guided video with Sat Mukh as your teacher.
Date: March.21st - April.29th 2024
Come join us on the farm !
Meditation & Yoga classes
Tuesday @630pm Thursday @630pm(on hold)
Friday @10am
Please contact :
to sign up.
A Healing Evening
into Sound and Breath
March 20th (Spring Equinox)
530pm - 830pm (SOLD OUT)
*More info on this event can be found under evening of sound healing.
Monday 5:30pm Pre-Natal Yoga & Meditation (on hold)
Tuesday 630pm Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Thursday 6:30pm Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Friday 10am Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Price Please email for price & to sign up.
*** drop in's are welcome.
Kundalini Yoga and Meditation
As taught by Yogi Bhajan Ph.D, Master of Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awarness. Each class uses movement, breath, sound current and meditation to relax, heal and balance the body, mind and spirit .
Benefits: Strengthens the nervous system, balances emotions, increases energy, brings clarity to the mind, encourages a sense of peace, reduces stress, controls weight, increases lung capacity, strengthens the immune system, builds strength, develops flexibility and an overall transformation to a healthier you.
(KY)Deeply Relax & Meditate
In this class we start with a Kundalini Yoga kriya to warm up the body, moving into deep meditation and ending with deep relaxation. Allowing the student to develop a stronger meditation practice and a deeper sense of the meditaive mind.
Conscious Birthing / Prenatal Yoga / Postnatal
Prenatal yoga is to help strengthen and relax the body, mind and spirit. Preparing the mother-to-be for birthing with strength, steadiness, fearlessness and awareness. Training the mind and body for the experience of birth moving beyond stress and fear to a place of knowing and trust.
Pregnancy Yoga offers ways to deeply connect to yourself and the soul growing within you. In class the mother-to-be finds comfort in her ever changing body as she stretches, tones and relaxes the mind, the emotions and the body .
"Peace on Earth begins with Birth."