Discovering Shuniya
deepening the meditative experience
six week course every Sunday . October 25th . November 29th
This course is now Full !
Join us for this amazing opportunity to go deeper and further in the meditative field.
To move beyond the familiar forms that limit our perception, gaining tools to stabilize the state of shuniya.
Shunyia is a state of awareness in which the mind is brought to complete stillness, zero point, harmony.
Throughout these 6 weeks you will learn tools to use that will increase your state of shuniya.
When we have the time to gather in this way over a course of 6 weeks it really allows for deep layers of the self to come to the surface - kind of like a big house cleaning where we are able to clear out some of the old unexpressed emotions, traumas, feelings, peeling away layers of the self and then really start to form a new relationship with the self where we are able to then apply the use of the new tools and allow them to integrate.
Bringing you to a place where you become more conscious, a place where your awareness is increased - allowing what had held you back before to dissolve in the state of shuniya.
Class dates and times :
Every Sunday - 10am - 12pm (if you are unable to make the day or time happen in your life please know that we will be recording all the classes that way we will be able to send you out the link to the class you missed).
October . 25th
November .01st
November .08th
November .15th
November .22nd
November .29th
** Please note that the dates may shift by a week **
Cost : $375.00
For Payment options
please email:
There is a sliding scale on price for those that need it during this time.
The classes will all be help Live on Zoom.
To Access the weekly class you will receive the link to Zoom.
To Sign up and for more info please email :
For those of you signing up for Both the 40day journey and the 6 week course Discovering Shuniya
you will be gifted a discounted rate.
This six week series is open to all, beginners, advance, teachers, healers, for any one that its wishing to dive deeper into the self and into what Shunyia is stillness.
Please don't miss this opportunity this is the only time I will be holding this course live.
to sign up please email :
Sat Mukh